Children Come in All Forms

Children come in all shapes and sizes. While I have not birthed any spawn of my own, I often refer to my book as my first born child. And then, of course, there are my fur babies Echo, Kira, and Gipsy Danger.

Like human offspring, my children have brought me joy, frustration, tears, and moments of triumph. Most recently I had a full on panic attack while sitting on the floor of my condo, clutching Gipsy to my chest. Starting the night before she began throwing up and I was awake with her all night and held her and cleaned up the vomit. She wasn’t keeping anything down. Food or water. I called the vet around 1:30PM the following day and they advised that she was likely dangerously dehydrated at that point and to get her to the animal hospital.

Much like a human ER I sat in the waiting room (animal hospital parking lot) for a total of four hours waiting for her to be seen and be released. She’s back to her normal, perky, mischevious self as of this morning (Friday 12/11) and positively flees when she senses it’s time for meds.

For any pet parents out there, I would highly recommend Bivvy pet insurance!

11 Days till Christmas!

Bye for now!

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