The Magic of Stickers



Apparently I have the reward based personality of a five year old.  All I needed to stimulate my writing was a bunch of stickers.  954 stickers to be precise.  Trying to set a reasonable goal, I set each sticker to a valuation of 500 words.  Since implementing this plan on the 11th of December, every day  has been a two sticker day.

It still amazes me how much joy those stickers give me as I place them on my calendar.  I originally considered increasing the valuation on the stickers to 750, or even 1000 words, but I really enjoy the feeling of getting more stickers so I’m going to leave it as is.

I’m still going to take the Creative Writing class at Macomb CC but it’s good to know I’m over this slump.

In fact, last Friday was amazing for two reasons.  One, it was a THREE sticker day!  Two, I hit 40k words on Seer 2!  Only 40k to go…no problem.  Lol.

Bye for now!

Fun Fact Friday: The Fun is Relative


I love Christmas.  I think I made that clear during last week’s ‘Fun Fact Friday’.  It’s not hard to enjoy a holiday with so many wonderful aspects to it.  Food, presents, decorations, the spirit of giving, and wonderful wonderful movies.

I recently had the pleasure of seeing a special showing of the 1947, black and white version of Miracle on 34th St.  This is my all time favorite Christmas movie (though Die Hard is also a contender).  If you haven’t seen this movie I would highly recommend it.

The original creator of the movie (which was called The Big Heart initially) was named Valentine Davies.  He was inspired to write the story while standing in a big line at a store during the holidays.  He looked at the pushing and shoving of it all and wondered to himself, “What would Santa think of this commercialization of the holidays?”

That just goes to show you, inspiration can hit anywhere.  Writers can’t depend on their imaginations all the time, they need to go out into the world and trigger those one in a million ideas that have the potential to become something truly wonderful.

Bye for now!

Back to Basics: Because I Totally Have Time for College


So I’ve got a lot going on in my life.  I’m making big changes, trying to better myself, and reaching out socially.  All in all, my schedule is pretty full.  So naturally I decided to go back to school.

When I say go back, I don’t mean I’m getting another degree (no way in hell am I doing that).  No, I have applied to Macomb Community College under a Personal Enrichment Application for the purposes of taking an Intro to Creative Writing class.

Now you might say something like, “Emma, you’ve written two and a half books and have an agent.  Why are you taking an introductory class??”  The answer is simple.  Mentally, I am feeling a bit stuck.  My writing is more of an uphill battle than it usually is and I think I might need a refresher in the basics.

I strongly believe you never stop learning, and if you think you know all there is about a subject, you’re probably wrong.  The world of writing is vast and I have explored about as much of it as man has explored the ocean.  (Not a lot)

I would have taken a class at the much closer Schoolcraft Community College, but their only In Class (I don’t learn well online) option was during work hours.  I tried Oakland Community College as well as various others in the vicinity and none of them were even offering the course this semester.  So MCC, here I come!

Bye for now!

Writer’s Block: And What to Do about it.


We’ve all been there.  Whether you had to write a paper for school, a report for work or (if you’re like me) you inflict the hobby of writing upon yourself voluntarily, we have all had writer’s block.  It isn’t pretty.  It’s a little like being stuck in rush hour.  You can still move forward but it’s slow going and oftentimes a lot of cursing is involved.

Back in late summer/early fall I was suffering from a pretty lousy case of it.  I had started and then stopped two different Works in Progress and was unable to come up with the additional plot lines to turn my stand alone book Seer into a duology.  My first book had been rejected by the first publishing company to show interest in it and I felt pretty bleak about my talents as a writer.

I know, I know.  Someone out there is playing me a sad little tune on the world’s smallest violin.

It’s now late fall/early winter and the block is back.  Luckily there’s no real deadline as I haven’t even gotten a publisher to agree to taking on my first book, let alone considering my second and third.

The long and short of it is that I was/am in a rough place.  These steps helped me to snap myself out of that funk before and hopefully they will help me now:

  • Take a break.  All work and no play turns you into an axe murderer.  Get up, get away from your desk/laptop/notebook and go outside.  Go to the mall.  Interact with new and interesting surroundings.  Writer’s are observers by nature and if you feel you are out of ideas go and collect some more from the world around you.
  • Do something else.  If you’re anything like me then there is a long list of chores you frequently neglect.  This is the time to do them.  The universe has decreed that you clean, do laundry, and any other items of self care that you may have denied yourself while staring cross-eyed at the screen.
  • Read.  Swimmers swim, students study, and writers read.  It is important to keep the muscle you are working with stimulated by new ideas.  Or old ones if you’re like me and love to re-read old books while your To Be Read pile waits impatiently in the corner.
  • Write.  Write anything but the thing that’s giving you trouble.  Try your hand at poetry.  Create a nonsensical world where people walk on their hands.  If you’re a blogger then write a couple of posts and save them for the weeks when you have no blog ideas (not going to say that I’m doing that now but I’m totally doing that right now).
  • If all that fails, I’m going to ask that you take the nearest on-ramp to rush hour hell and just brute force your way through the traffic that is your cluttered, uncooperative mind.  Sometimes you just have to fight your way through that jungle.  You may end up with a thousand lousy words but if those words help you get to a place where writing is a little easier then that is the best news ever!  You can always rewrite those thousand words at a later date.

The most important thing to remember is you can’t edit a blank page.

Happy writing and

Bye for now!

Fun Fact Friday: The Fun is Relative


I love Christmas.  It is my favorite time of the year, with Halloween following as a close second.  I love picking out gifts for people that I know they will like and the looks on their faces when they realize I paid attention however many months ago they mentioned they liked a specific item.  One example is the time my sister Laura offhandedly joked that all she wanted for Christmas was a bag full of quarters.  So I got her a bag with $30 worth of quarters.  To me, gift giving isn’t just an obligatory action to be taken, it’s an act of love, showing the people in your life that you listen and that you care.

Christmas Day is celebrated by millions of Christians around the world, usually on December 25th. It is also a popular holiday celebrated by non-Christians.

Christmas Day is an annual celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the exact date of Jesus’ birth is unknown it is estimated to have been between 7 and 2 B.C. with the actual time of year being closer to Spring.  The date of December 25th was chosen in the 4th century to coincide with the (more popular at the time) festivity known as Yule.

The popular customs of celebrating Christmas include gift-giving (my favorite part), sending holiday cards (that I write long mushy messages in), Christmas trees (full of ornaments that light up or make noise) and lights, caroling (try and stop me when I start singing, I dare you), a feast and church celebrations.

Hypnotism: Bona Fide or Balderdash? Aka Adventures in Alterna-Medicine


So I have struggled with weight loss for the entirety of my adult life.  I wasn’t an overweight kid.  I was actually average in weight.  But because I was average, and the new kid at my elementary school, and a reader, I was the target of bullying.  Those toxic, hateful kids convinced me that I was not good enough, that I was fat, ugly, and a loser.  It took years to unravel the pain I endured during my formative years but, by the time I did, the damage was done.

And when I say damage, I mean weight.  I know I’m overweight and have, over the years, attempted to motivate myself to diet and exercise.  Sometimes I’ve shaved a few pounds but never enough to start a snowballing effect towards real health and wellness.

The biggest problem is that I sometimes eat without even thinking about it.  Something to do when I’m sad or bored.  Which a behavior I need corrected.

That’s why today, November 27th, I did something I never thought I’d do.  Ever.  I scheduled an appointment with a hypnotherapist.  The appointment is on December 4th and I’m hopeful.  The woman who does this has amazing reviews on Google and a 5 Star Rating.


The appointment was on Tuesday and I’m optimistic.  Her business was located out of her house which freaked me out initially.  Out of nerves, when she opened the door, I blurted out, “You’re not a serial killer, are you?”  Which is how most people greet each other in civilized society.  But seriously, she was a tiny, older lady and I was confident in my ability to take her in a fight so I went inside.

She was way more clinical then I expected which reassured me, as did all of her diplomas and certificates.  I found the session to be very relaxing and she e-mailed me a recording of that session to listen to every night for the next week until our second appointment.

As of right now I don’t feel any different, but I’m willing to give this a shot.

Bye for now!

Book 1 is Done-ish, Now to 2

mark seer covepage photo.png

I just submitted the second draft of the first book in the Seer series tentatively titled “The Mark of the Seer” (let me know what you think of that in the comments below) to my agent.  I don’t expect any news about it for a while though because she’s going to be reviewing my Sword and Shield manuscript to see how we can make improvements and that is priority.

Right now Seer 1 stands as of now at 66k words.  Which sounds like a lot.  But it isn’t.  The gold standard for Fantasy books is 80k-110k.  So I need to wave a wand and make 14,000 words appear.  No problem…

I have a coworker reading it right now and she has already expressed her desire to see me expand on certain aspects of the backstory, characters and lore.  I’m hoping I can take those suggestions and use it to beef up my word count and polish my story further.  In the meantime I have book two, tentatively named “The Mark of the Savior” which has 33,912 words.  That’s right.  I have to pull 50k words outta my butt.  Hopefully they don’t stink.

Seriously though, I have a lot of material to expand on.  I’m just not looking forward to the process.  And yet I am.  Because being a writer is a bit like that time Ron read Harry’s tea leaves.  I’m going to suffer, but I’m going to be happy about it.

See above for the image I took 45 minutes making rather than focusing on my writing.  The procrastination is strong with this one.

Bye for now!

Fun Fact Friday: The Fun is Relative


Today in Argentina the G20 is taking place!

The Group of Twenty, more commonly referred to as the G20, is a now annual gathering of 20 of the world’s major industrialized and emerging economies. The annual summit provides the world’s most important leaders the opportunity to discuss co-operation and the major problems facing world in an informal setting. The G20 was created in response to criticism that the Group of Seven (G7) was outdated and overly restrictive. Aside from Japan, no county from outside of North America and Europe is a member of the G7. As such, the G20 seeks to recognize the role of emerging economies in the leadership and further direction of global affairs.

The members of the G20 are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The European Union as a regional governmental body is the 20th member. Together these countries account for around three quarters of global gross domestic product (GDP). Data from the International Monetary Fund suggests that expansion of the G7 to the G20 will be evermore justifiable over time as the share of global GDP commanded by the non-G7 G20 countries continues to grow.

At present, The United States is the largest economy in the G20 in terms of GDP with 18.57 trillion U.S. dollars in 2016. The fact that South Africa, the smallest G20 economy, posted a GDP figure of 294 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 suggests that a seat at the informal table does not amount to equal persuasiveness in the discourse. Given the vast differences in the populations of G20 countries, it is not surprising that the largest economies don’t necessarily have the highest per capita GDP rates. While the United States remains at the top of the list, Australia and Canada round out the top three.

The expansion of the summit to the G20 saw diversity in developmental experiences in addition to cultural and geographic factors. While Canada received a score of 82 out of 100 in the most recent addition of the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, Mexico and Russia scored 30 and 29 respectively. The demographics of origin are also highly varied among the G20 economies. Many of the highly industrialized economies including Australia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Canada and the United States have a high international migrant stock as a proportion of total population. In the context of a global political discourse that is increasingly skeptical of globalization, questions about international openness may be directed from within the halls of power towards the likes of China.

Climate change is widely recognized as one of the world’s largest collective problems. Despite dismissive statements about the validity of global warming by recently elected President of the United States Donald Trump, climate issues looked set to play a prominent role at G20 Germany 2017. The United States is the largest CO2 emitter in the group by a significant margin, making the potential isolation of Trump from Merkel, Modi, Macron and Co. on climate issues a point of poignant discussion.

The presence of many of the actors that pull the strings of the global economy, as well as the international media that follows such a meeting, represents an ideal opportunity for those unhappy with the global state of affairs to protest. Unfortunately, it also brings with it a high security concern from potential terrorist activity. In response to these two factors, security at such events is generally very high. For the 2017 edition of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, an additional 15,000 police officers were allocated to the city from other German states. With 100,000 protestors expected to demonstrate against the G20 and its participants, 11 helicopters, 62 police horses and 153 police dogs were also deployed in the area.

Did I Really Write a Love Triangle?


I’m not one to judge when it comes genre preference.  If you like Twilight, read Twilight.  If you like bad writing, read 50 Shades of Grey.  Ok.  Maybe I judge a little bit.  But I do appreciate books like 50 Shades because, if something like that can become an International Best Seller, then there’s hope for my book.

Silver linings, and all that.

That being said, my fantasy duology has an unintentional romance aspect to it.  Did I mean to?  Hell no.  But my Main Character went and got a stupid crush that is now my Ship and I will sail that ship forever.  For those of you who don’t know, ‘ship’ is the abbreviation of Relationship, and is used to describe two characters that the reader/viewer believes are meant to be together.

So I have a main character.  I also have two secondary male characters who happen to like her.  A lot.  I hate this trope.  When I realized what I was writing, I was momentarily horrified.  But then I realized that just because something is mainstream and overdone, that doesn’t mean it’s now persona-non-grata in the writing world.  It just means one must tread cautiously when the trope is concerned.

So I will continue down this path, making sure that the Ship doesn’t crash into my plot and set everything on fire.

Bye for now!

Post-Holiday Post


Image courtesy of “Sarah Scribbles”

Well hello everyone!  I hope your Thanksgiving festivities were enjoyable.  Mine were great.  I spent so much quality time with my little sister that she probably got sick of me and tons of time with the rest of my family.  We had good food, good laughs and all around good times.

And now, to herald in the Christmas season, it’s snowing!  At least, it is in Michigan.  Beautiful big white flakes of joy dancing through the sky like little paratroopers parachuting down.

I was delightfully surprised to discover that most of the drivers I encountered on the roads did, in fact, remember how to drive in the winter so it was a relatively pleasant commute.

The holidays weren’t all holly and jolly though, I did get another rejection notice from a publisher over the weekend.  Which sucks, but it also means that the right publisher just hasn’t seen it yet.  Though if I do continue to get rejections I’m going to revisit the idea of finding someone to professionally edit my book and then I will go through and make the suggested revisions.  I don’t know if publishers review re-submissions, but I would definitely send it to Tor for another look-see.

That’s all I have for today.  I’ve already started decorating the office.  As far as I’m concerned, the second Black Friday started, so did Christmas.

Bye for now!