It’s The Cotton Anniversary!

Life is interesting in the way it winds and weaves. When you plan on zigging, it zags. When you plan on ducking, you stumble over a trip-wire. And sometimes when one door closes the only way out is through the air ducts. Two years and four days ago I drove into Detroit to begin theContinue reading “It’s The Cotton Anniversary!”

671,040 Minutes

I’m back to my regular blogging schedule again. I apologize for the brief hiatus but my site was/is undergoing a makeover. 1 year, 3 months, 9 days since I packed up my desk and started working from home. I’m BACK Detroit! Today (6/21/21) is my first day back in the office and I am beyondContinue reading “671,040 Minutes”

Screw The Status Quo

Oops, I did it again. I decided to leave the cushy, comfy, familiar job I had and had mastered in favor of the unknown. It was an impulsive decision that I was hyped about for a day before I began my traditional spiral into regret induced despair. I’m big on second guessing myself. I don’tContinue reading “Screw The Status Quo”