Emma Khoury

It Doesn’t Take Much

Like all people, authors appreciate…well…appreciation. Validation that the work they put into the world enriched the lives of those around them in some small way. Sometimes I wish I was the kind of author who was fine writing just for myself. Keeping my worlds to myself in Word docs and overflowing notebooks.

But my love language is gift giving. What does that mean? It means I derive joy from bringing joy to others. And as much as I would love to buy presents for all the cool people in the world that has some seriously cost prohibitive factors. So sharing my stories is the next best thing.

This message was in my Facebook Messenger inbox and it was the first thing I saw this morning. It was the best start to my day that I’ve had in a while!

If you’re asking yourself how you can appreciate a beloved author (doesn’t have to be me) there are numerous ways! My personal favorite is by going to Goodreads and Amazon and leaving reviews! That feedback doesn’t just make the author’s day, it also helps promote them with some positive advertising. In addition, Amazon’s algorithm looks at products that have numerous positive reviews and bring those to the forefront of a buyer’s search results.

So if you haven’t already, please please PLEASE take a few minutes to leave a review on The Sword & Shield!

Bye for now!

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