The Power of Tiktok Compels You! (And Community)

In June I held a Sword and Shield giveaway from my Tiktok account that included a signed copy of my book and various goodies. I’ve found that, by advertising the contest, and by extension advertising the book, I am able to attract new readers even if there is only one winner. And I was exceptionallyContinue reading “The Power of Tiktok Compels You! (And Community)”

What Is Your ‘Why’?

People don’t do anything without a reason. Even if that reason is ‘I was bored’ or ‘I didn’t want to do [Insert Unpleasant Task Here] so I did this instead’. However, this post isn’t about apathetic non-decisions, but rather, about the decisions that make us who we are. And so I ask again, “What isContinue reading “What Is Your ‘Why’?”

Think Happy Thoughts

Unprecedented. Once in a lifetime. First time in recorded history. These are all phrases that can and have been used to describe recent history. It’s easy to get bogged down by it all. It would be easy to give in to despair. I had a good cry Friday night when it all hit me likeContinue reading “Think Happy Thoughts”

Crunch & Noom & Oculus: Oh My!

Crunch, Noom and Oculus are going to be things I (hopefully) mention quite a bit moving forward. For those unfamiliar, Crunch Fitness is a gym franchise and Noom is a habit tracking app. Oculus I’ll explain in a bit. I plan on utilizing all three to attain a healthier self in 2022. I went toContinue reading “Crunch & Noom & Oculus: Oh My!”

Hello Cleveland!

I got an e-mail through work notifying me that I won tickets to see TSO (TranSiberian Orchestra) on Thursday 12/30 at 8PM in…Cleveland! I’ve been listening to their albums every holiday since before I can remember so naturally I said hellz yes and called Amanda to let her know she was road tripping with me.Continue reading “Hello Cleveland!”

Write (Not) My Age & Merry Christmas!

I recently discussed a new book(s) idea that has me really excited. I’ve finished the plot outline and character profiles so that I can finally edit Seer. The issue I anticipate having with this story is that, while it will be written for YA, the protagonist is only 13. Normally that would suggest a middle-gradeContinue reading “Write (Not) My Age & Merry Christmas!”

Thankful & Here We Go Again!

This year I have a lot to be thankful for. My family, friends, agent, career, health and so much more. Has it been bumpy at times? Of course. But I’m a Michigander and bumpy roads are nothing new. I’m also thankful for the muse which I had briefly thought abandoned me but she was justContinue reading “Thankful & Here We Go Again!”

Adventures at the Selfie Museum!

So don’t get me wrong, I love writing. I love being an author and nothing could convince me to quit pursuing it as a life’s passion. But one of the aspects of life as an author is…marketing. blech But, miracle of miracles, for once, in pursuit of promoting myself, I actually managed to have aContinue reading “Adventures at the Selfie Museum!”

It Doesn’t Take Much

Like all people, authors appreciate…well…appreciation. Validation that the work they put into the world enriched the lives of those around them in some small way. Sometimes I wish I was the kind of author who was fine writing just for myself. Keeping my worlds to myself in Word docs and overflowing notebooks. But my loveContinue reading “It Doesn’t Take Much”

Keeping Busy

I was struggling for a topic this week. This past month has put me to the test in a number of ways and I am drained. Even now I’m powering through to the weekend as I am very excited for Halloween. Working on keeping myself busy on things that bring me joy and to keepContinue reading “Keeping Busy”