What Is Your ‘Why’?

People don’t do anything without a reason. Even if that reason is ‘I was bored’ or ‘I didn’t want to do [Insert Unpleasant Task Here] so I did this instead’. However, this post isn’t about apathetic non-decisions, but rather, about the decisions that make us who we are. And so I ask again, “What isContinue reading “What Is Your ‘Why’?”

Better Made…But Made Better

So I love the whole sweet/salty combo and, while I’m still on a weight loss journey, I will buy myself a tin of these every year. The tin should last me till the new year as it doesn’t have much in it and I’m having maybe one chip a day. That being said, while BetterContinue reading “Better Made…But Made Better”

Tentatively: The Sea & Storm AND Updated Sword & Shield!

When I opened the 20,000ish word document that held the beginnings of The Sword & Shield’s sequel (The Sea & Storm), I was shocked to see that the last time I touched it was back in December 2020. This was less a writer’s block and more a writer’s monolith. The Kaaba would be a moreContinue reading “Tentatively: The Sea & Storm AND Updated Sword & Shield!”

The Royal Stagg Renaissance Faire!

Greetings and good morrow gentle bipeds, it is I! Your favorite author! Well…favorite is probably a bit of a stretch but I’d like to think I’m in at least one person’s Top 10. I’ve started on what I hope to be my third completed book and have already hit a bump but am going toContinue reading “The Royal Stagg Renaissance Faire!”

I’m ALIVE! aka May the 4th Be With You

Well I came, I saw, I got COVID, and I LIVED bitches!!! Quarantine is over, I am symptom free and grocery shopping never felt so good! Ok, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, now to pressing news. As someone raised in an Orthodox Christian household I will, without fail, have an automaticContinue reading “I’m ALIVE! aka May the 4th Be With You”