Write Here, Write Now

This post is going to be short and sweet and that’s because it’s a concept that doesn’t need to be over analyzed. Carpe Diem People put it on bumper stickers and tattoo it on their arms but how many people actually do it?  ‘Seize the day’?  It’s not just a fun saying, some might argueContinue reading “Write Here, Write Now”

One Month into my New Job aka Dealing with Stress

Happy Monday to you all! As of last Thursday I have officially spent one month at my new job at Rock Connections. In that month we’ve covered a lot of ground. The benefits at this job are amazing, but boy do they make you earn them. Frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’mContinue reading “One Month into my New Job aka Dealing with Stress”

100th BLOG POST!

I know, I can hardly believe it myself.  It’s been almost exactly one year since I started this wild ride of blogging and marketing myself and boy am I glad my agent told me to hop on this bandwagon.  Writing about writing has not just given me the chance to share my knowledge with others,Continue reading “100th BLOG POST!”

Where Does Inspiration Come From?

The Muse is a fickle wench who visits artists at her own pace.  Sometimes she can go years between visits, while other times she might be feeling mischievous and decide to surprise you in the shower.  Wherever and whenever she deigns to appear, you better be ready. Keep a notebook by your bedside and aContinue reading “Where Does Inspiration Come From?”

No One Starts Out As Shakespeare

I recently took the opportunity to read some of my past writing. Some of it was halfway decent, but for the most part it was garbage. Cringeworthy and only good for kindling. If I had submitted my work for critique at that point in my life I would have been crushed. But that’s because I’dContinue reading “No One Starts Out As Shakespeare”

Write What You Know: The Stunning Conclusion

All good things must come to an end.  Whether or not this trilogy on the subject of ‘Write What You Know’ was a good thing is debatable.  Be that as it may, the end is nigh.  At least, it is for this little series of posts. I’ve talked about expanding your horizons through activity andContinue reading “Write What You Know: The Stunning Conclusion”

New Job!

Over the past few months I have struggled with finding the right job. After my previous employment ended I realized that I needed to make a change in the way I approached searching for new career opportunities. First and foremost, by recognizing that I don’t need a job that gives me a sense of greaterContinue reading “New Job!”

Balancing Act

Being a writer can oftentimes feel all-consuming. If the muse is on your side, you might want to do little else but write. Sadly, I have been informed by many reliable sources that money is required to live and, to acquire said money, one must work. My need to work is three-fold. First off, myContinue reading “Balancing Act”

The Place My Book Will Go a.k.a. Contract? Check!

Not every writer aspires to be published. Some write for the pure joy of writing. I understand that, but I also have a powerful need to see my words in print. To touch, smell, and hold the book that is my baby. I got the news last week but I wanted to wait till itContinue reading “The Place My Book Will Go a.k.a. Contract? Check!”

Write What You Know: The Sequel

So a few weeks ago I broached on the subject of Write What You Know, and today I’m going to expand on it. More specifically, I’m going to go into detail about how you can simulate some of the adventures your characters may go on: Zipline = Flying – Whether your character is winged, orContinue reading “Write What You Know: The Sequel”