671,040 Minutes

I’m back to my regular blogging schedule again. I apologize for the brief hiatus but my site was/is undergoing a makeover. 1 year, 3 months, 9 days since I packed up my desk and started working from home. I’m BACK Detroit! Today (6/21/21) is my first day back in the office and I am beyondContinue reading “671,040 Minutes”

I Am Ready To (bed)ROCK!

I am beyond ecstatic to announce that I have accepted a new position as a Senior Team Coordinator within Bedrock. The joy is multi-faceted. Let me explain. Bedrock is still within the Rock Family of Companies (commonly known for their flagship company Rocket Mortgage/previously called Quicken Loans) which means I get to stay with theContinue reading “I Am Ready To (bed)ROCK!”

Random Plot Ideas and Where they Come From

Honestly I have no clue. Maybe I have a muse who works alongside my guardian angel. She whispers ideas in my ear while I’m in the shower or by waking me up at 3AM. The Sword & Shield came from a cat scratch that wasn’t healing properly. Still not sure where Seer came from, andContinue reading “Random Plot Ideas and Where they Come From”

Seer: Be Seeing You Real Soon!

So as many of you know I had a contract with a lovely publishing house and was due to release Seer in late May of this year. Due to a confluence of events and at the fault of no one involved, my agent and I have made the decision to pull the book, give itContinue reading “Seer: Be Seeing You Real Soon!”

A Trip Back in Time aka Day at the Faire!

This past weekend I sold my book as a vendor at The Royal Stagg Renaissance Faire in Marshall, Michigan. At 6AM Gipsy Danger and I got in the car and drove roughly an hour and a half to mid-Michigan and began to unpack the car. My initial hope was that, were I to need helpContinue reading “A Trip Back in Time aka Day at the Faire!”

The Royal Stagg Renaissance Faire!

Greetings and good morrow gentle bipeds, it is I! Your favorite author! Well…favorite is probably a bit of a stretch but I’d like to think I’m in at least one person’s Top 10. I’ve started on what I hope to be my third completed book and have already hit a bump but am going toContinue reading “The Royal Stagg Renaissance Faire!”

The Amazing Amy & Her Band of Misfits (Me)

I mentioned it briefly in my last March post but I want to go into detail into the transition I’ve made in literary agents. Alyssa is now on her own writing journey and I wish her only the best as she continues to grow as an author and editor. I was beyond fortunate to haveContinue reading “The Amazing Amy & Her Band of Misfits (Me)”

I’m ALIVE! aka May the 4th Be With You

Well I came, I saw, I got COVID, and I LIVED bitches!!! Quarantine is over, I am symptom free and grocery shopping never felt so good! Ok, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, now to pressing news. As someone raised in an Orthodox Christian household I will, without fail, have an automaticContinue reading “I’m ALIVE! aka May the 4th Be With You”

COVID & What Ace Representation Means To Me

One of the things authors are constantly striving for is something new. Something different but most importantly, something unexpected. When the idea of making the protagonist of my story ace (asexual) first occurred to me it was simply because it was something I had almost never seen in contemporary literature, let alone fantasy. Little didContinue reading “COVID & What Ace Representation Means To Me”


I recently held a contest on my Tiktok account page3master for a signed copy of my book. I got a good amount of engagement as far as likes/comments/shares considering it was my first time trying anything like this. That being said, I know a lot of my followers don’t have or are not interested inContinue reading “Tiktok”